Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Happy Sounds
Paige crawls
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Growing Up
And now 2 quick videos by request. What Ben's fans want, Ben's fans get.
Lately, Ben's been doing a bit of light reading. He'll open up a book, and for several minutes turn pages, talk, and point. His favorite is "Hop on Pop" - or in his words "hop hop pop pop" or something like that. I just got the end of it on video, but it's fun I think. Also, when he's done with something he will often wave and say "see ya" or something close. Sometimes it's "syaa," "saa," or just "yaa."
On June 24th Benjamin took his first steps. 15 months old and we're there! He's better now than in this video, but it's the best one we have so far. P.S. he would always much rather scoot.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Oh, yeah... blogging...
-Our laundry room is done!
-Carl went to Malta for a whole week for a Linguistics conference to present his paper that he recently had published. Yay Carl.
-Debbie's new calling is the Primary 1st counselor
-Carl's new calling is the Young Mens president
-Ben still doesn't have a calling
-Our kitchen cupboards had a face lift
-We have a garden
-2 year anniversary in Vegas
-Ben's 1 year checkup
-Ben is officially "cruising."( Yeah, it's a real term)
Luckily, I know how to adjust the date for the blog postings, so none of you will ever know I fell behind. Now I just need to blog about all these fun things...
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Face Lift

Carl took the camera to Malta, so I wasn't able to take a lot of before pictures, but I did find this one. Sorry I had to be in it.

And after. Now they are shiny, smooth and have handles that are not from 1976. Click on the pics to notice the handle difference, that's my favorite part.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Laundry Room

My dad ripped out several built in shelves we didn't want, and added actual walls, including a protruding wall above the washer and dryer, covering up all the pipes. My brother Jared added a gas line to accommodate the gas (not electric) dryer we now have.

Seth laid the tile, grout and sealer. He also put in the new base board (as well as painted most of it), after ripping out the old stuff.

All I had to do was paint the walls this lovely blue Carl picked out. Isn't it nice?
Lastly, Seth brought in and hooked up these beautiful Maytag front load washer and dryer my parents so kindly handed down to us. Aren't parents great?

So there you have it, one of woman's very best friends: the laundry room. A huge thank you to Dad, Jared and Seth for putting in lots of time and energy so I can do laundry at home at any time of day. Everything looks so nice. I've been taking laundry to my parents house for the last 10 months, and though I'll now have to buy my own soap, I'm so very excited for this new addition to our home.

Friday, May 14, 2010
The Best 2 Years
Dear Carl,
I'm so hopelessly and desperately in love with you. I love you more every minute. Thank you for marrying me and for making me feel prettier than I am. You're my favorite thing and I'm so excited for the rest of our adventures and babies. You're my best friend and I love you a lot a lot a lot.
Love Deb

Alright, enough of the mushy stuff. This year for our anniversary, we decided to cash in our voucher for 2 nights at the Riviera in Las Vegas. Thankfully, Grandpa Christensen was done with teaching for the semester at SUU and was happy to watch Ben for us during our little vacation. (And congratulations to Grandpa on becoming Head of the English department!)

Ben doing one of his favorite things with one of his favorite people. Thanks Grandpa! (Don't they so much alike?)

We drove down to Cedar City to drop off Ben, stayed a couple of days and headed down to Vegas. The first thing we did when we got there (after a trip to the drive through) was go to the temple. It was a quiet Tuesday afternoon with very few people, and a perfect start to the trip. This was a new temple to add to our lists, making it #8 for me and #14 for Carl... Just pretend you can tell we're outside the temple. There was no one there to help with a picture.

Carl touching a sting ray at the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay

The Imperial Palace has this sweet car show with a bunch of classic cars, some of them for sale and a few of them worth over a million dollars. We just window shopped. One of the main attractions was Johnny Carson's first car. That one wasn't for sale. Otherwise, we might have talked numbers.

And of course, what would Vegas be without a trip to the Showcase Mall? Did you know the M&M World has like 6 floors? If you're wondering what's in the bag, it's a peanut M&M mouse pad for Mothers Day that we bought for my mom, a lover of computers and a big lover of the peanut M&M. Happy Mothers Day to both of our lovely mothers. And to Grandma and Grandpa Christensen: thank you so very much for taking such good care of Ben while we went away. It was so relaxing, and great to have alone time. Ben had a lot of fun, he still talks about it. Thanks a million! We love you.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Ben has been getting faster at moving, though it may be a bit different than other babies, it gets the job done. Here's a little bit of how Ben gets around.
Party Time

I made a chocolate mouse crunch cake for the adults and cupcakes for the kiddos. Ben had one giant cupcake, though I'm pretty sure all he ate was frosting. We stopped him early to prevent a sugar high or a stomach ache.